Monday, March 26, 2007

Second injury of the tour

I have new skis, these are carving skis, which means they are a piece of p**s to turn, if you look at them face on they have a really wide tip and thin waist and then a thick tail, which means they will turn as soon as you lean on an edge. Nobody told me though that when you schuss at high speed (tucked down as aerodynamically as you can, with the skis parallel) that carving skis are at their most unstable. If they are short skis like mine are, then once they start to flap about, you are in trouble.

This is where I came unstuck at very high speed during my ski lesson. I have no idea how fast I was going so wont even attempt to exaggerate it, but all I will say is, I haven't been that fast since it happened. The photos will attest to the end result, both skis off, head and shoulders in the snow, winded to the point where I couldn't breath and lots of snow stuffed down my neck and back. No help from either Nathan or Luigi – Nathan did manage to photo the aftermath though. The sore neck and shoulder problems I have been having the last few months now seems fixed from this crash-chiropody which is a good thing.

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